Sponcered by the "No Joes Club"

The Richter 4 is me and Aarons idea of a bowling team, we get really bored and decided to make up a fake bowling team, which is just me and Aaron, sometimes Joe on occasion but Elmer is to fat to join us, Joes fat too but he makes me and Aaron look more good lookin'.


_______________________________________________________________________________________________ STEVE

Full Name:Stephen Eduardo Yanke the 5th

Highest score:213

Favorite Food:Turky Gravy

Favorite Band:Rancid

Favorite color:Green

Favorite Movie:Starship Troopers

Most likely to be....:George Costanza

Most likely to be seen doing:Picking nose

What brings a smile to Steve's face?:A full roll of toilet paper

Famous Quote:"Joe quit grabbin your fat!"

________________________________________________________________________________________________ AARON

Full Name:Aaron Michaelangelo Lustig the Loser

Highest Score:205

Favorite Food:Booze

Favorite Band:Ramones

Favorite Color:Booze

Favorite Movie:Rock n'Roll High School

Most likely to be...:School Janitor

Most likely to be seen with...: Hand down pants

What brings a smile to Aaron's face?:Booze, Booze, and more Booze!

Famous Quote:"I should bowl drunk more often!"

________________________________________________________________________________________________ ELMER

Full Name:Elmer Sigfried Johnsten Johnsten

Highest Score:72

Favorite Food:Anything that moves!*he's fat*

Favorite Band:Sex Pistols

Favorite Color:5

Favorite Movie:Terror of Mechagodzila

Most likely to be...:Carnie

Most likely to be seen with...A stupid dirt bike shirt on

What brings a smile to Elmer's face?:A Godzila movie marathon

Famous Quote:"It's just baby fat!!"

________________________________________________________________________________________________ JOE

Full Name:Joesph Kelly Skeeter Frumpy VanPelton Erickson

Highest Score:142

Favorite Food:Jolly Jellies!!!

Favorite Band:MxPx

Favorite Color:Jolly Jellies!!!

Favorite Movie:Babe

Most likely to be...:Hotdog Vender

Most likely to be seen...:Grabbing his fat

What brings a smile to Joe's face?:Jolly Jellies!

Famous Quote...:"Have you ever..how much did it cost???"

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